Saturday, January 5, 2019

Women Participation in Cotton Farming in Simiyu Region, Tanzania: Undefined Paradoxical Praxis: (CIACR) - Lupine Publishers

Cotton stands as one of the key cash crops in the Tanzanian economy and the second largest agricultural export product with over 70%-80% of it being exported. Despite the widely known merits, significances and challenges of integrating gender equality and equity in economic activities, less remains to be known on actual defined participation and contribution of women in cotton farming in Simiyu region, Tanzania. This paper attempted to reveal the existing paradoxical praxis in the course of establishing women contribution in cotton farming in Simiyu region. Specifically, this paper sought to: (a) assess the level of women participation in cotton farming in Simiyu region (b) examine factors affecting women participation in cotton farming in Simiyu region (c) assess the perceived role of women participation in the cotton farming in Simiyu region. The descriptive cross-sectional research design was employed. Simple random sampling technique was used to select a total of 120 respondent households from the selected villages from region's districts namely, Maswa, Meatu, Bariadi, Busega and Itilima. Data were collected using pre-tested and pilot-tested questionnaires, focus group discussions and interviews. Ms-Excel and SPSS 20.0 computer software were used to analyze data. Descriptive statistics were employed to reveal various parameters in the study. The study findings revealed low level of women participation in cotton farming (23.3%) compared to the revealed level of male (76.7%) of the total households involved in the questionnaire survey; suggesting the presence of less number of women who owns lands in the study area. The revealed paradoxical praxis in the study area entails the fact that women who don't stand as households heads don't own piece of land and the whole process of cotton farming.

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