Monday, May 13, 2019

Agriculture Open Access Journals- Lupine Publishers

Consuming an adequate amount of high-quality protein in daily nutrition is one of the key features of healthy lives. Shortage of protein in nourishment may lead metabolic diseases [1]. A climbing trend in the requirement of plant-based protein sources can be easily seen due to medical needs as lactose intolerance or lifestyle choice as being vegan or vegetarian. The population of vegetarian, vegan and the number of people who faces with problems depending on proteins based on animals are increasing. Vegetarian is a person who avoids eating for various reasons as health, religious or not being cruel to animals. And vegans do not consume or use meat and any other products such as fish, eggs, cheese or leather [2]. In the USA, Brasilia, Austria, and India have vegans and vegetarians in terms of 4, 8, 3 and 40% of their countries population, respectively [3]. To achieve enough amounts of protein resources, a number of studies have been taking place for years. Additionally, the price of animal-based proteins may cost much higher than plant-based proteins. Therefore, plant-based protein sources give an affordable alternative in the countries with tremendous prices for milk and dairy products [4] - Lupine Publishers.

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